
A list of publications I’ve created, such as new player content for the tabletop RPG game, Pathfinder 2nd Edition.

Book - Draconic Character Options Remastered for Pathfinder 2nd Edition

This book update the options found in the original 'Draconic Character Options' to the remastered rules of Pathfinder 2nd Edition. Walking the path of the dragon can grant you immense power, but true dragons come in many shapes and dispositions, so choose carefully. Some may ask for a cost you cannot pay, or don’t understand. Some may offer you sage advice on how to move forward, while yet others will obliterate you on the spot.

December 2024

Book - Pathfinder 2E Mythic Conversion

A new take on converting the Mythic subsystem from Pathfinder 1st edition to 2nd edition

October 2023

Book - Draconic Character Options for Pathfinder 2nd Edition

Walking the path of the dragon can grant you immense power, but true dragons come in many shapes and dispositions, so choose carefully. Some may ask for a cost you cannot pay, or don’t understand. Some may offer you sage advice on how to move forward, while yet others will obliterate you on the spot.

February 2023
Nifty tech tag lists from Wouter Beeftink