Pathfinder 2E Mythic Conversion

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“Legend speaks of the coming of great heroes. As the darkness gathers and the forces of the underworld rise to swallow the land of the living, a few brave souls will hear the call to greatness. Their deeds will become the stories of our time, and their victories will be celebrated for centuries to come. Even now, they walk among us - unaware of the destiny that awaits them. The moment is almost here. Their hour is at hand.”

These are the words that greeted us in the Pathfinder 1st Edition book, “Mythic Adventures”. While we have recently been teased that mythic rules will be coming to 2e with the book, “War of Immortals” next year, I want to provide my take on how I’d like the mythic subsystem to more or less work in 2e, and share it with you all.

This take on the mythic subsystem puts Free Archetype front and center with the mythic paths translated as archetypes, with a common framework tying them all together much like the academia subsystem in the Strength of Thousands adventure path. It also leans much more heavily into the idea that Owlcat Games brought to the system in their video game adaptation of Wrath of the Righteous by making the archetypes far more flavorful and thematic. This document contains:

  • 40 pages of content
  • A base series of mythic features that all mythic characters gain over time.
  • 10 mythic paths, including the Legend path that doubles down on normal class abilities to exemplify the power that mortals can offer.
  • 33 mythic class feats across all feat levels for various classes.
  • 49 mythic general feats
  • 22 mythic spells
  • Guidance for GMs on running a mythic adventure, including story ideas.

Nifty tech tag lists fromĀ Wouter Beeftink